
Center for 职业生涯 and Professional Development


职业和专业发展中心(CCPD)帮助所有专业的学生确定兴趣和职业目标,并创造有意义的机会,帮助你在学业上取得成功, 个人, 职业目标. CCPD致力于支持和增强学生的探索能力, 准备, and pursuit of their chosen career journey.

Employers looking to recruit North Central talent: http://libcat.luyifamily.com/hire-our-students

Connect with Employers on 握手

握手是立博在线体育的在线平台,帮助你找到一份有意义的职业. 你需要与职业发展中心联系的一切都在握手上! 安排约会,下载职业资源,查看即将发生的事件等等! 访问握手更新您的个人资料,看看谁在寻找NCC实习生和员工. 



Individual One-on-One 任命

学生可以与CCPD团队会面,讨论各种主题. Some of the most popular topics students seek support on are:

  • 职业探索:探索你是谁,你的目标,什么对你来说是重要的
  • 实习 & Job 搜索: Create 个人ized internship and job search plans
  • 实习批准:在实习期间获得实习批准和支持
  • Networking: Expand networking skills & 与雇主的关系
  • 实习 & 求职:浏览求职材料——简历、求职信、申请表
  • 面试准备:参加模拟面试以获得自信
professor and student talking


学生 may access the 救助中心 in Oesterle 图书馆 #114. The CCPD 救助中心 is open from 12 - 4pm on Tuesdays, 星期三, and Thursdays during the academic year. 北中学院职业生涯同侪顾问通过回答问题和提供以下主题的指导来支持学生:

  • Resume and cover letter reviews
  • Introductions to the CCPD career 资源 and events
  • 15 minute career conversations about career exploration
  • Guidance on internship and/or job search strategy
  • 握手 and LinkedIn support
  • 通过练习电梯演讲和调查雇主来为职业活动做准备
student and professor in computer lab

职业活动 & 博览会

  • 中北书院 & 实习公平 (September)
  • 职业生涯Fest(2月)
  • 及时工作 & 实习展(四月)


无论你是有一个即将到来的面试,还是开始一份新的实习或工作, we've got the perfect outfit for you! The 立博体育平台职业衣橱 is open to all North Central students. 立博体育平台职业衣橱的使命是为学生提供高质量的职业服装,以获得与职业相关的经验, 面试, and professional networking events.

Build Your Resume, Cover Letter, and Other 职业生涯 Documents

下载立博在线体育的简历样本,指导你制作一份专业的简历! 与立博在线体育的职业顾问或专业人员联系,在你发展和完善简历的过程中为你提供支持, craft a winning cover letter, or create other career-related documents.



All College 职业生涯 Readiness Requirement

在中北部, we want students to find a postgraduate path—a job, 研究生院, service—that is meaningful for them. 立博在线体育希望他们有信心,他们正准备在自己选择的道路上取得成功. The All College 职业生涯 Readiness Requirement allows students to explore their strengths and the postgraduate options available to them; develop a story and materials to share with employers and 研究生院 committees to translate their North Central experiences in exciting ways; and to practice what they’ve learned in the classroom in internship, 本科研究, practica, and other field experience settings.


CCPD团队致力于帮助学生准备各种面试经历. 学生 can schedule one-on-one appointments for mock 面试, attend interview workshops, or use the robust interview platform, 大面试. 大采访, 学生可以在面试技巧方面获得宝贵的反馈,并建立信心,在面试中脱颖而出.

College 职业生涯 Consortium of Illinois

立博在线体育是伊利诺斯州大学职业联盟(CCCI)的成员。, 一个充满活力和受人尊敬的联盟,由18所学院和大学组成,代表56所大学,在校生超过1000人. North Central students have access to the online career 资源, campus 面试 with member employers, 秋季面试日, 以及春季求职大会.


Illinois Consortium 资源

立博在线体育也是伊利诺斯州联合学院(ACI)的成员。, a robust network of 24 private, 非营利组织, and primarily residential colleges and universities. 这些机构坚持以使命为导向的持久承诺, liberal arts-based higher education in small, supportive environments that cultivate a sense of community. 学生可以在网上浏览招聘和实习信息,并参加年度就业和实习博览会.



立博在线体育希望你在职业生涯中得到正确的指导. 根据你的毕业日期,有不同的支持选择.

立博在线体育毕业不到两年的校友可以获得各种职业支持和资源, 包括:

  • 握手 -为学生和校友提供的主要职业参与平台,为入门级人才寻求实习和全职职位.
  • 职业活动,项目和研讨会,包括年度北中央大学工作 & 实习公平.
  • 救助中心 support (located in Oesterle 图书馆 #114).
  • 通过团队与专业人员进行面对面和虚拟的一对一预约.

毕业于中北书院两年以上的校友,将直接获得 职业生涯 and 网络中心, an expert group of business professionals who aid job seekers, 转行的, and those seeking career advancement. 所有中北书院校友可按以下步骤,享受六折的年费优惠:

  1. 导航到 职业生涯 and 网络中心 主页.
  2. Select "了解更多" and then select "Become a Member."
  3. Select the $125 membership option as your choice.
  4. Scroll down to the coupon code open box and include the code CNC75 让您以每年50美元的折扣价获得每年125美元的会员资格.

Become a 职业生涯 Peer Advisor

Do you enjoy helping your peers through education and leadership? 你是否正在寻找一个在校工作的机会来发展你的专业, while helping your peers do the same? 如果这就是你的情况,考虑申请职业同伴顾问(CPA)项目.

职业同伴顾问是经过培训的辅助专业人士,他们通过CCPD辅导中心提供职业帮助, 职业活动, 和程序. Working closely with the CCPD team, CPAs advise/coach their peers on quick career-related concerns, such as the career planning process, effective internship and job search skills, resume and cover letter writing, 面试策略, and leveraging online career 资源.

Student Employment On Campus

校园就业为学生提供了很好的机会来提高他们的职业准备技能.  在校园寻找工作机会的学生可以通过立博在线体育的人力资源部搜索空缺职位.



Our staff is happy to help and answer any questions you may have. Simply contact us for more information.
